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2016 Business Excellence Awards

Congratulations to all the 2016 BEA award nominees and winners last night! A Big thank you to Karen Paton-Evans for the lovely write up in the BEA Program. It’s such an honour to be recognized for hard work and determination.

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New Home Build Program!

We decided to develop a new design program exclusively for people building new condos, townhomes and houses. “Knowing you have to stay on top of expenses, Urban Home offers packages that are priced upfront so your budget won’t be derailed by extra, unexpected costs,” Jodi explains in the article.

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Calling All 2016 Angels

Our 2016 Urban Angel Bedroom Makeover Event is now open for nominations!!

Please spread the word……

Tell us a story about a child you know with an exceptionality that would love a bedroom makeover. We want to step in and make a dream room a reality for a very special angel….all on us.

Email us and tell us who and why…in three paragraphs or less, along with a photo and their address.

We will carefully consider all entries and present our chosen Urban Angel with a bedroom makeover, compliments of urban home and other local businesses.

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Autumn Styling

As summer fades out and we glide into autumn, it’s time to transform your home to capture the essence of the season by adding colour, warmth and cosiness inspired by nature. Whether it’s the colours of the changing leaves, the deep browns and rust colours, or the warmness of a roaring fireplace, autumn is a cherished time of the year. A time to relish the crisp, cool weather this time of year brings and the abundance of nature-derived accents.

Autumn is associated with twigs, pomegranates, pumpkins, nuts, gourds and the sweet smell of vanilla and cinnamon candles, colourful leaves on the ground being blown around lazily by cool winds and soft rainy days and crisp clear nights. Adorn the interior of your home with a few simple decorations and accessories in earth colours to reflect an outdoor setting that is worthy of a feature in a national home decor magazine! Now is the perfect time to add a few festive touches to cozy up your space this season.

Whether it’s a rustic or elegant design you are aiming for, dress your home with the season’s harvest for a cozy interior. If you have wall-art with autumn scenery, hang them on your walls. Make a table centrepiece that includes candles and cinnamon sticks. Gather some branches and place them in a Larvik Vase Rose Gold vase. Hang a warm and cozy blanket on your favourite sofa for a protected and delightful feeling. If you have a fireplace, have a twig basket filled with logs waiting to crackle. Arrange a wrought iron candelabra and some seasonal fruit such as pears and apples or pinecones on the mantel. On the thresholds and windows you can put a few small pumpkins in different shapes and sizes.

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Welcome our newest team member!

We would like to welcome our newest team member, Philip Chouinard to the Urban Home team! Philip will be taking on the role of Interior Design Consultant.

As a result of years honing his design prowess, Philip is often recognized from his days at Icon for the Home and has been constantly updating his design skills to present us with a fresh and discerning eye.

Philips extensive experience as a design director for Everyday Style, a national catalogue housewares and accessories producer over the past decade, also gives him insight into current design trends. We at Urban Home are thrilled to have Philip as our newest team member!

Jodi Mason

Principal Design Consultant

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Colour Theory 101

What is colour? Colour is shattered light, white light that comes from the sun and contains all the seven colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) and everything around us, including ourselves either reflect or absorb the individual rays of white light in different degrees. Without light, there can be no colour or the human eye can’t perceive it. For example, at night everything looks like shades of grey and dull. This is because the sun strips the intensity of colour from the objects around us. People are happier on sunny days because the sunlight intensifies
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Design Tips – The Elements & Principals of Design

Space, in two-dimensional design, is essentially flat; it has height and width, but no depth. There are certain visual cues, however, that can create the illusion of space in the mind of the viewer. Line Shape Form Space Value Texture Color    

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Kitchen Renovation

While each home remodelling project is unique, there are a few things you should know before going in to the project. Below is our guide to make your kitchen renovation as smooth, efficient, and cost-effective as possible.

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